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Every family has family stories: the stories we tell about who we are, where we came from and what makes us a family.  A church family is the same way.  And at Good Shepherd, God has taken us on a journey that is a part of who we are.


A church isn't really a church if it is not engaged in the mission that Jesus gave his followers.  At Good Shepherd, we seek to live out God's mission daily.  But what is Jesus's mission for his Church?  And how do we live it out at Good Shepherd?

Click on the link below to find out. 

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Our faith is what we believe about God, ourselves and the world. At Good Shepherd we seek to believe, teach and practice "the faith, once for all delivered to the saints." (Jude 3)


We meet on Sundays, first and foremost to worship God and to join in with the constant celebration that is ongoing in heaven. That is why everything we do in our worship services point us to God: He is the one who is worth all our attention. Our services are grounded in the early practices of the Church, in the things that Christians have always been about everywhere. We did not just make this up as we were going along, but we have learned from the wisdom of those who have gone before us, recognizing that God used many of the same practices in their lives to make them into extraordinary men and women of God.


Our church is led by the Senior Pastor (called a "Rector" in an Anglican church), by the Pastoral Staff team (pictured above), and by a lay-led leadership team called the Vestry.  All these report to our Bishop, who provides counsel and oversight, and who works in conjunction and mutual accountability with other bishops across the country.  To learn more about our leaders, click on the picture above.


Every family celebrates and remembers important dates: birthdays, anniversaries, deaths, graduations, etc.  At Good Shepherd we structure our life as a church family around the story of Jesus Christ and his church.  This includes not just the content of sermons and teachings, but also the way we structure and order our annual calendar.  Throughout the year we celebrate and remember the key events in the life of Jesus, as well as key events in the life of Christians throughout history.  

What does it mean that we are "Anglican"?

The first thing it means is that we are Christian and that we have much in common with every other Christian Church.  In fact, we have more in common with other Christians than we have differences!  But being Anglican does mean that we have some things that make us distinct from other churches. Anglican churches find their spiritual heritage in Christianity as it was lived and practiced in England for the last 1800 years.  That means we benefit from the wisdom of St. Patrick's ministry and of the the English Reformation.   It means that we live out ancient and tested practices, but that we also benefit from the best of the 21st century.  The best way to see what "Anglican" churches look like is simply to "come and see" and be our guest at our next worship service.  

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